Geraldine Gray

Ko Tararua te Maunga

Ko Kurahaupo te Waka

Ko Kawiu te marae

Ko Ngai Tara ki Muaūpoko o te Ika te Iwi

Geraldine Gray is an accomplished business professional with extensive experience in various sectors including information communication and technology, Social Services, Health and Justice. She has held key management positions and has demonstrated business acumen and leadership skills. Geraldine is also dedicated to education and community involvement and has previously served on the Arrowtown School Board in Queenstown and currently a Hapu representative on the Muaūpoko Tribal Authority Board in Taitoko. She is deeply connected to her cultural heritage and has achieved recognition for her commitment to preserving and celebrating her traditions. Notably, she has played a key role in establishing Taiaha in Tahuna Queenstown, which has earned recognition and appreciation in her community.

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